Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gingrich Had Second Line Of Credit With Diamonds

Gingrich Had Second Line Of Credit With Diamonds
WASHINGTON - Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign is already reeling from the New Left, was another credit line of Tiffany jewelry as $ 1 million, reported the Washington Post on Tuesday.

The Post said the spokesman Joe DeSantis Gingrich recognized the second line of credit, said Gingrich's personal financial disclosure filing shows that Gingrich and his wife, Callista, "was an easy $ 500 000 to $ 1 million Tiffany discovered is that it has a zero balance and has been closed. "

Forms of financial information filed by Callista Gingrich tiffany bracelet in 2006 and 2007, which were found last month revealed that the couple had $ 250,000 to $ 500,000 at Tiffany & Co. Gingrich declined to say what they had purchased from Tiffany said "This is my private life."

The latest revelation came the same day that the campaign said the two first deputy finance for Gingrich resigned. Other key members of the Gingrich team, including his campaign manager, resigned June 9, questioning its commitment to the presidential race in 2012 after the candidate is a Greek cruise with his wife, after announcing his candidacy.

Since launching his campaign in May, Gingrich also the wrath of his party by criticizing a Republican congressional committee plan to scale back Medicare health insurance for elderly and disabled.

Gingrich sought to allay concerns among the religious right in his personal life. Gingrich married his third wife, who had an affair while married to his second wife.

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